Our Strategy

Bestsource is a New York based bitcoin mining company that retails bitcoin mining machines internationally and provides hosting facilities internationally. Starting from scratch, we have developed in harmony with the industry’s demands and growth rate. Allowing Bestsource to enjoy continued development and using renewable energy sources, provide one of the cleanest mining operations in the world.

Strengthening our position within the marketplace is top priority. Bestsource now offers mobile installations through the deployment of secure containers. Our partnership with Bitcoin mining machine manufacturers based in the heart of Bitcoin mining machine production has flourished, resulting in the latest strategies to provide machines direct from our dispatch hub in Hong Kong on an international level.

"Offering Trusted International Bitcoin Mining Solutions from Low-Cost Sustainable Renewable Energy Sources."

Supportive Shadow

Just like the internet did to distribute information without controls from companies or countries, an open financial system does exactly the same, a system that offers balance and accelerates the pace of innovation globally. Given the choices practiced, this opportunity presents a different approach that could change the way we think, coexist, trade and develop; bringing about more economic freedom, innovation, efficiency, and equality of opportunity.

Bestsource takes a supportive role by shadowing the industry at all stages of its advance; both present and in the future.

Ready to get started?

Looking for crypto mining products? Bestsource offers hardware and solutions, for blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) mining applications.
